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2 days ago1 min read
Congratulations! The Reader's Pick is... (to us) writer Joshua Mannix, and his story " At the Yatai on Kuiper Station Nine "! Well done! As with every such prize,...

Jim Dutton
Jan 252 min read
November Theme Prompt Winner
Editors' Choice: " Human's Best Friend " by Alex McNall is the editor's pick as the winning theme story for November/December. ...

Jim Dutton
Jan 183 min read
January Theme Prompt: Galactic Brackets
Write a sports- or gaming-related sci-fi story. Let the competition begin! Well, it's already begun in a number of venues. In the US, the...

Rod Castor
Jan 121 min read
Readers Pick for December...
Congratulations to our very own J. Millard Simpson for winning the December Reader's Pick with 44 rockets for his story, " Potboiler " --...

Dec 22, 20242 min read
Santa's Elves are Busy!
Merry Christmas, everyone! When my kids get up on Christmas morning and race to the living room to see what is under the Christmas tree,...

Dec 15, 20241 min read
The Readers Have Picked...
Nina Miller, " Lost Citizens of the Fringe " as November's best story, with an amazing 40, count them 4-0 Rockets. Congratulations!!!...

Jim Dutton
Nov 16, 20243 min read
November Theme Prompt: Aspirational Utopias
Write a sci-fi story set in a fictional utopian society. I admit I have lost track of what a majority of Americans envision as our ideal...

Nov 10, 20241 min read
Our Readers Pick for October...
The readers of Sci-Fi Shorts have done it again! Congratulations to our very own J. Charles Ramirez for his clear victory with " The...

Nov 1, 20242 min read
Announcing: Subscriber Submissions Month
One of the most frequent topics we chat about in the (metaphorical) smoke-filled lounge labeled EDITORS ONLY is: "What can we do to...

Oct 26, 20242 min read
Announcement: Featured Writers
Change can be good, friends, and I'm not talking nickels and dimes here. Most of our writers' stories here at Sci-Fi Shorts are kept...

Oct 21, 20241 min read
It's Reader's Pick Time!
The September Reader's Pick is finally in, after an extended and at times very close race.

Sep 22, 20241 min read
The Reader's Pick results for August are in!
The envelope, please. And the winner is...

Jim Dutton
Sep 21, 20243 min read
July Theme Prompt Winner
"Lifetime Subscription" by Guy Lingham is the editor's pick as the winning theme story for July/August.

Jim Dutton
Sep 15, 20245 min read
September Theme Prompt: The Bogeyman Cometh
Write a science fiction story in which the villain or antagonist is an artificial intelligence. This Halloween, there's a lot of scary...

Aug 17, 20246 min read
Why Colonize Mars?
"Because it's there!" -George Mallory, English mountaineer Mars is a barren wasteland devoid of life. There's nothing there, even less...

Aug 11, 20241 min read
Reader's Pick Time! And the Winner Is...
" Engines of Opportunity ", by Jeff Currier! Congratulations! And what does he win, Johnny? NOT a case of Turtle Wax (Who would wax a...

Aug 10, 20242 min read
The Joys of a Small Publication
So many writers are nervous about submitting their stories, afraid of being judged, afraid of putting their work out there and being told...

Jim Dutton
Jul 20, 20242 min read
May Theme Prompt Winner
"Cyborg Isle" by Maren N. Law is the editor's pick as the winning theme story for May/June.

Jim Dutton
Jul 15, 20243 min read
July Theme Prompt: This Mortal Coil
Write a science fiction story that explores the nature and consequences of (im)mortality. The current US president is 81 years old, and...

Jul 13, 20241 min read
Our Reader's Pick for June is...
"The Migration", by Randall Andrews! Congratulations -- well-deserved; a fine tale. The story's art will henceforth be decorated with...

Jun 15, 20241 min read
And the May Reader's Pick is...
"The Wittiest Man In France", by Philip Apps, with 26 Rockets! Notably, this is also the winner of this month's Editor's Choice award...

Jim Dutton
Jun 9, 20242 min read
April Theme Prompt Winner
Editors' Choice The Wittiest Man in France by Philip Apps is the editor's pick as the winning theme story for April/May. Congratulations...

May 19, 20241 min read
Your Attention, Please! The Reader's Pick for the month of April is...
"Comfort Foods", by Nina Miller, with an enviable total of 33 Rockets.
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