Nina Miller, "Lost Citizens of the Fringe" as November's best story, with an amazing 40, count them 4-0 Rockets. Congratulations!!!
Nina has now won Reader's Pick three times, more than any other writer in our community. You go, girl!
In addition to bragging rights and the well-deserved envy of her peers, she will also receive a $100 cash prize plus the coveted badge of honor on her story art.
This month's honorable mentions are:
"Static", by Alex McNall
"Trojan", by Jeff Currier
"Winner Winner Vulture's Dinner", also by Nina Miller
Well done, all of you.
Remember: If you're reading this and would like to participate in selecting the next winners of the Reader's Pick, all you have to do to join the ranks of the influential is purchase a subscription, which funds the prize as well as paying our writers and site costs. In addition, you will receive access to one brand-new story every weekday. Who could ask for more?