"The Migration", by Randall Andrews! Congratulations -- well-deserved; a fine tale.
The story's art will henceforth be decorated with the coveted Reader's Pick medallion, and the writer will receive a $100 cash prize, bragging rights, and the envy of all the other competitors.
Our honorable mentions this month include the following:
"Thistle and the Primrose", by Jim Dutton
"Too Late the Stars", by Richard J. Dowling
"The Cooling Off Caper", by yours truly, J. Millard Simpson
It's worth mentioning that all four stories scored within three Rockets of each other. The difference between winning and losing was, as usual, down to a single person's votes (You can award up to five Rockets per story.) And yes, it's perfectly acceptable to vote for yourself.
Consider: The cash prize is $100, and a subscription (which lets you vote) only costs half that for an entire year. If you write for us and haven't subscribed, you're really missing out.
Don't forget to spread the word about Sci-Fi Shorts. If you got an award, be sure to brag about it on social media. Tell your friends; heck, tell your enemies. Really rub their noses in it.