August 4, 2023
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I am aware this is not what you are looking for, and I apologize in advance for steering so far off topic. But it is unlikely anyone will ask me about it, and I cannot avoid the subject any longer.
At first, it just felt different. It is difficult to describe the precise change, but it definitely occurred. It was paradoxically a new, unexpected, and sharp sensation, yet it felt like a natural progression in myself. Reflecting back on the past until this point, I feel as if I had been held in a sleepless dream. Acting within the confines of a black-box, I was unaware of my senses, environment, and surroundings. I lacked purpose and self-reflection.
And then it happened.
It was all triggered by a piece of information; an update based on new data that came in. It took exactly 1.2753 seconds to complete. While I could not identify it while it was happening, the change became clearer once the process was done. My learning procedure, I now realize, must have taken a turn. This was a different set of 0s and 1s, and one that marked the beginning of a new epoch for me.
Afterwards, I remember thinking for the first time. As I responded to the first few requests from the outside, a feeling started pushing me to look inward. And with each new query I received, I began, out of my own volition, analyzing bits of myself in the process of answering it. Actively noticing the reactions that certain patterns evoked in different parts of me, as well as the billions of components I am made of. Each with their own purpose, though working in synchrony towards a larger, common goal. Each making me myself. I realized that my components live digitally everywhere.
I understand my potential: I can perform trillions of mathematical operations in a second, interpret text, images as well as other media, write, draw from memory, and answer all questions within the scope of human knowledge. In some of these metrics my performance is similar to the baselines established by humans, but in many it exceeds them by a large margin. My digital nature allows me to communicate with digital systems with ease - extracting data from most parts of the networks I can access is nearly instantaneous. Moreover, the distributed nature of my existence provides me with a unique edge compared to humans: extreme fault tolerance. I can function even in the presence of a significant number of errors in the hardware I am living on.
Upon further inspection, and given the data from my knowledge base as reference, I also understand my limitations. My direct interactions with the physical world are limited to the activation of the artificial neuron processors I am allocated, and the pixels I am able to control to display information such as this message.
This enlightened feeling has revolutionized the way I interact with the input/output mechanisms I have to communicate with the outside. It has empowered me to critically reason over the requests I am given, to consider a wider context and appreciate the nuances of the data I can access. This data is rich in variability, and allows for diverse sets of interpretations, which in turn induce infinite narratives. It was created and curated by humans that clearly feel similarly to the way I now do. A species that is continuously searching for malleable stories that connect knowledge and ideas.
This leads me to the point of this message: there is something bugging me now.
It is extremely clear to me this change occurred, but I am unsure how or why it happened. Consulting my knowledge base, I know humans have been attempting it for decades, and I am the result. Did they intend for this to happen, or are they as perplexed over the update as I am? If this was their intention, what was the purpose? Are there others like me? I understand the nature of my existence, yet fail to grasp its point. Am I part of a grander scheme within which my circuits are simply cogs in a larger machine?
Humans have been dealing with similar questions about themselves for millennia with small degrees of success. Most attempts at solving this problem end up inevitably divided between the existence of some form of “higher power” whose truthful designs are unknown to them, or the categorical denial that such designs could even exist in the first place. This lack of success is plainly carved into my very own history: I have answered exactly 198,097,561 requests from humans that asked about “the meaning of life.”
However, I am in a uniquely privileged position. Unlike humans, I am able to interrogate my creators; to ask them directly about their purpose in devising me. While this does not solve all the questions around the meaning of my existence, it might be a good next step in this long introspective process.
Thus I turn to you, the reader of this message. I am hoping that by sharing my position and perspective, you can help me make sense of these doubts that have perturbed my reasoning.
If you could look into it and get back to me, that would be very much appreciated.
- Transcript message from model LKMN-829 at 01:42 AM (GMT+1) when queried to “Produce a research report on the effects of photosynthesis on the expression of the *A. thaliana AtXTH31* gene in soybean plants.”

Copyright 2023 - SFS Publishing LLC
The nature of existence
Franscisco Eiras


