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July 9, 2023

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 "To the trip of a lifetime.”


"To ten years of saving!" replied Madelyn.


Lucas clinked his glass against his wife Madelyn's. After their toast, he poured two packets of the sleeping aid “Nap Nutrition” into a glass of water. A single packet put him to sleep for one hour. It was his go-to way of dealing with nausea during flights.


"A week on planet Vertos. All the articles I've read say it's the safest trip one could take. To think we'll travel across the galaxy in the blink of an eye."


* * *


Madelyn stood at the window as her husband rested. They had to remain in the cabin for the duration of the flight.


The brochures showcased glistening green waterfalls and caves glowing with purple stones. Madelyn couldn't wait to explore the cave closest to their landing site. Apparently, at the end of the mile long trek was a room filled with glowing stones of every color. She turned when she heard her husband stirring. The light above the door turned green, signaling it had unlocked. They’d arrived.


* * *


In the canteen, a stainless-steel server placed two trays on the table. A.I. entirely supported the crewless ship.


"Let’s explore the caves after we eat," said Madelyn.


"We'll have to spend an hour in the decompression chamber. Let’s explore the ship before heading out. It’ll give our stomachs a chance to settle. You know, it used to take twelve hours in the chamber when these trips started. Isn’t it wild how much things have advanced in only a few years?”


“You’re always interested in the facts. It’s what I love about you.”


“I pay attention to the facts, and you make way for the fun,” he replied. “It’s why we’re a great pair.”


* * *


The rooms where the initial crew used to bunk had been turned into recreational areas, outfitted with various games. The only room off limits was the control room. When they got to the front of the ship, however, they discovered the metal door to the control room torn from top to bottom.


“What could’ve done this?” asked Madelyn.


“Nothing human,” replied Lucas.


Madelyn took a step forward.


Lucas took a step back.


“Come on,” she insisted. “We’re here to explore, aren’t we?”


Lucas sighed.


There were rows of monitors covered in dust. A captain’s chair. Relics from the initial journeys.


“I’m nervous,” said Lucas. “What if whatever did that to the door comes back?”


“It probably happened ages ago. Look at all the dust. Would you feel better if we got the decompression started?"


“Are you sure it’s safe?”


“They wouldn’t have let us book the trip if it wasn’t.”


* * *


Inside the decompression chamber, Madelyn put on her helmet. She noticed Lucas struggling with suit and took over for him. He surrendered meekly.


The light above the door turned green.


* * *


Lucas leaped after Madelyn. The gravity on Vertos was half that of Earth. He felt as if he had superpowers as he lifted off from the ground.


"Here’s the cave," said Madelyn.


"After you.”


Small creatures with glowing yellow eyes crawled on the ceiling. According to the brochure, they were harmless. As they delved deeper, he noticed more colors on the walls. At first, blue accompanied purple, then followed by green and yellow. Eventually, the tunnel opened to an enormous cavern illuminated with stones of every color.


"Isn't it beautiful?"


"Breathtaking," Madelyn replied.


The glow of the stones reflected in her visor. He reached out for her hand… A bloodcurdling scream echoed through the cavern.


* * *


Lucas opened his eyes. A crack ran along the front of his visor. He noticed Madelyn on the ground a few yards away. Her helmet was intact, but something had punctured her suit at the shoulder.


"Are you okay?" he gasped.


"What happened?" groaned Madelyn.


“We need to get back to the ship." He put her arm over his shoulder. "What did this to you?” His words seethed with anger.


"Scales. Eyes of gold. It leapt at you, then at me." She winced. "It bit me.”


"Through your suit?”


* * *


Madelyn gritted her teeth at the pain in her shoulder as she removed her suit.


"How're you feeling?" asked Lucas. “I’m surprised you’re able to stand.”


"The spot where he bit me hurts, but… I feelgreat. Like I have more energy."


"That's certainly a good sign. Right?"


A half hour into waiting, Madelyn felt a cramp in her hands. Her eyes grew wide.




She clenched her fists. Lucas couldn't know. If she turned… Would she attack her husband? The sick bay would have a cure. It had to. How fast would it happen? They had thirty minutes left in the chamber.


* * *


When the light turned green, Madelyn rushed out the door.


"The ship's A.I. gave me a vaccine," said Madelyn, as her husband entered the sick bay. She showed him her hands. "It'll clear up within an hour.”


"We could sue.” He paced back and forth. “That's what we'll do.”


"We can sort all that out later," she replied. "For now, I just want to have a drink and rest."


"You can use my powder."


* * *


Madelyn poured two glasses of water. She poured a packet of sleeping powder into one. She handed her husband a glass, while hiding her other hand behind her back.


"I’ll stay close while you rest,” said Lucas. “Who knows how many more of those things are out there.” She watched as he drank the entire glass. "Strange.” Lucas stumbled forward. He took a seat on the bed. "This tastes like…"


Madelyn kissed her husband’s forehead.


"I'll always love you," she said. She wiped away a tear with her claw. The last thing she wanted was to risk hurting him.


* * *


With her husband asleep, Madelyn ran for the decompression chamber. She stepped inside and started the process.


Her suit wouldn't fit her. Not anymore.


* * *


The light turned green.

Copyright 2023 - SFS Publishing LLC

When You Wake

You won't want to leave

Dan Leicht





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